Friday, July 16, 2010

My Last Friggin' Lesson!!

Every morning, I receive a "note from the Universe" in my email and today's stood out more than usual:

So what if you don't have it yet, Marissa?

It's coming. You're gonna get it. You're gonna love it. And then you're gonna forget there was ever a time when you didn't have it.

How true. I thought I had it for a while, but I only had part of it. I'm still searching for the rest of it. And I think I know what I have to do to find it (or at least some of it).

Yes, I'm being vague, but I think it's because these journeys are just so personal. And maybe the vaguer I am the more it can resonate with others on their own journeys.

But enough of the deep stuff for now. The good news is that today is my last day of student teaching and the celebrations begin tonight! There's a big party at school tomorrow (open bar, lots of food, dancing, etc) that eventually leads to club/bar hopping. Not usually my scene as you know, but I'll embrace it this weekend.

So, my lesson plan for today is all about listening. I've been stuck doing grammar all friggin week and I'm burned out. I completely understand grammar but I have no idea how to explain it. So today I'm whipping out my iPhone, a borrowed set of speakers and the Barenaked Ladies. We're going to listen to "If I had a million dollars" (or at least the first stanza), count the number of times the title comes up, then listen again and fill in the blanks. Finally, they're going to tell me what they'd do with a million dollars and, if there's time, we'll discuss whether or not you can buy love. Done. Give me my certificate.

Ok, well, I can't get my certificate until I turn in all of the paperwork, which I'm still working on. Hopefully most of that will get done this weekend, but since I'm in no rush to actually have the physical certificate, I might take a week or two to complete the work. It's a lot of work.

I think we ventured into the dumpiest place yet for lunch today. The front room was full, so the guy led us to the back room, which seemed to be used mostly for storage (and gringos he wants to hide from his regulars). The food was pretty good (a little salty, as usual) and he even turned on the TV for us (we shamelessly had him stop at the E! channel). Total cost (with soup, entrée, and a Coke): 4.5 soles (about 2 dollars). Sweet.

Alex, Kelly, Julia and Selena at our high-class lunch

We were hidden away in the back room with the storage.

Kelly making faces and the fabulous TV (before he turned it on)

I also move on Sunday. I'm going furniture shopping tomorrow morning at a used furniture market. I'll take pictures and post what I get.

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