Sunday, June 20, 2010

I'm moving to Peru today. Holy Crap.

Every vacation I take usually requires some level of anxiety for me. Is the flight on time? Did I pack enough underwear? (I didn't on one trip to Vegas -- long story) Shit, where's my passport -- oh, there it is. I normally travel well aside from the constant feeling that I forgot something. This time I forgot nothing. I'm ready to go.

Becca, on the other hand, has enough anxiety for both of us. She woke up around 3:15 this morning and couldn't get back to sleep. In addition, her body is kind of going through a bit of a "cleanse" as her fight or flight mode kicks in and prepares her for this journey. She's had bouts of hiccups, sneezing, nausea, and um, frequent trips to the bathroom. And who could blame her? She packed up her entire life and is taking a leap of faith moving to Peru. And while we had our ups and downs this past week (uncomfortable sofa beds, minimal sleep and a couple of reeeaaally late nights led to a few grumpy encounters), I am really looking forward to our journey together. Now if only she'd get out of the airport bathroom...    

And I know you're all dying to know whether or not we actually got everything to fit into our luggage and onto the plane. The short answer is Yes. The slightly longer version is that my duffle was over by 13 pounds (I snuck a few additional items into the bag when Becca wasn't looking) and after a lot of resorting between my enormous purse, carry-on suitcase and duffle, I got it all in and under weight (well, kind of -- the check in guy let me slide by a few pounds over).

We arrived at the Ft. Lauderdale airport around 10 am and spent the afternoon with our Florida family. Great lunch, and great company, giving Becca the grounding she needed. Around 2:30, hugs and kisses were given, prayers sent and safe travels wished. We're now hanging out in the airport waiting to board our flight to Lima. Becca finally crashed -- the emotions of the day have caught up. She'll be just fine ;).


  1. Riss is once again quite accurate in her account our journey. Very articulately put, today's journey has been "cleansing." Amidst the unadulterated excitement of moving to Peru in the past month, it has finally hit me how seriously this decision will affect me.

    In the past week, I have packed up everything I own, moved it into an Aunt's house and have been living out of my suitcase-worth of clothing and essentials.


    Marissa has been a such a positive force today, as I am processing having no home and she seems to be going home.
